Men of St.Joseph

In early 2016, for the CCD teacher’s seminar, some teachers were given the task to find out ways to increase the faith of their students. While researching on this topic it was found that the faith of the fathers went a long way in instilling and growing the faith of children in the families. As the pastor suggested, the findings were then presented to all the men in the community. Men of St. Joseph then came into being and now meet in our parish hall on the second Friday of each month. All men from the parish are invited to come together as they aspire to be
Better husbands and fathers
Pray as a community of brothers for divine help
Strive to live as spiritual Catholic men in a secular world
They share insights to become better men of prayer, hold each other accountable and make every effort to be men of God. Some of the topics/sermons discussed in our meetings are below: